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Box Elder Schools

Perry City Welcomes a New Mayor

Perry City welcomes a new mayor, Kevin Jeppsen, and a new Council Member, Andrew Watkins!

Box Elder High

Larry Findley Leadership Award 

Box Elder Schools

Three Mile Creek Elementary - Update

Willard - Perry Announcements

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder High January Student of the month

Casey Jacobson was chosen by Coach Robbie Gunter for Student of the Month in PE/Health.  Casey is the son of Brandon and Steffanie Jacobson. 

I nominate Casey Jacobson for Strength Training Student of the Month.  Casey has been in my strength training classes for the past 3 years.    


Here is a list of some of Casey's great qualities: ● -exceptional student ● -hard worker ● -respectful to teacher, students, facilities and self ● -leader of his peers ● -great athlete ● -very explosive ● -strong ● -humble 


Box Elder High

BOX ELDER HIGH​ ​2017-2018   


​ BEELINE   HAPPY NEW YEAR!!   Have you heard the BUZZ….. 


January 26, 2018 

Parents and Guardians of Box Elder High Students,  

Box Elder High School has been hit with tragedy this year several times.  The counseling department would like to offer some resources for parents about how to help a teen struggling with the grief process.  The links below are from reputable internet pages with relevant and accurate information about helping your teen grieve.  


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