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State and National

Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations


Urgent Need: Red Cross blood donation opportunities Feb. 16-28

Donors urgently needed to increase Red Cross blood supply


(Feb. 2, 2017) – The American Red Cross urgently needs blood donors to make an appointment to give this winter so that patients can continue to receive lifesaving treatments.


Michael Harper knows how critical it is to have a readily available blood supply. “I used over 300 units of blood when I was younger after an auto accident. Blood donations helped save my life,” he said. “Now, I would like to donate as much or more than I have received.”


Urgent Need: Red Cross blood donation opportunities Feb. 16-28

Donors urgently needed to increase Red Cross blood supply


(Feb. 2, 2017) – The American Red Cross urgently needs blood donors to make an appointment to give this winter so that patients can continue to receive lifesaving treatments.


Michael Harper knows how critical it is to have a readily available blood supply. “I used over 300 units of blood when I was younger after an auto accident. Blood donations helped save my life,” he said. “Now, I would like to donate as much or more than I have received.”


Chaffetz to meet with Trump. Tuesday's Utah political briefing from

Republican Lawmakers Yet to Deliver Early Wins for Trump

Feb. 7, 2017

Good morning from Washington, where liberals assail both President Trump's pause of travel from terrorism-prone nations and his reaction to a judge who shot it down. Fred Lucas looks at Trump's view of the judiciary, while Hans von Spakovsky argues the order is constitutional. Republican lawmakers are slow off the mark, Rachel del Guidice reports. Bureaucrats should worry about Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Josh Siegel learns. Plus: Curt Levey on the top Senate Democrat's double standard, and Sen. Mike Lee on when to defund Planned Parenthood.

Hatch: GOP United in Repealing and Replacing Obamacare

Hatch: GOP United in Repealing and Replacing Obamacare



“Republicans are united in our desire to repeal and replace Obamacare.  The vast majority of us want reforms that are more patient-centered and market-driven, and, as far as I know, pretty much all of us want to return most of the authority for regulating the health care system to the states.”


Updates From Senator Hatches Office

ICYMI: Hatch Speaks Out on Gorsuch Nomination


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Following the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the United States Supreme Court, Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, spoke to print, TV, and radio outlets about Judge Gorsuch’s impeccable qualifications. Hatch also wrote about the criteria Senators and the American people should use in evaluating a nominee for the highest court in the land.


Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations


SB 56 to ban gas chamber euthanasia scheduled in Senate Committee


WHAT:          SB 56 – Animal Shelter Amendments sponsored by Sen. Peter C. Knudson (R) is on the agenda to be heard by the Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Standing Committee Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 3 p.m. in room 415 at the State Capitol.


WHEN:          Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 3 p.m.

SB 56 is third on the agenda


Updates from Utah Gov - Organizations


Refugee Day of Prayer (which is part of the official February

2017 - Salt Lake Inter-Faith Round Table Offerings).  There

will be prayers from most faith traditions as well as humanitarian

thoughts and blessings.

Febriary 7, 2017, Tuesday, from 10 am to 11 am with an

Updates from Governors Office

Governor Gary R. Herbert’s Schedule

February 6, 2017 - February 11, 2017

**The Governor’s schedule is subject to frequent change**


Monday, February 6

10:30 a.m.  American Indian Caucus Day on the Hill

Location:  State Office Building


11:45 a.m.  Meet with Weber County Republican Women

Location:    State Capitol


12:15 p.m.  Weekly Update with Lt. Governor


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