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Three Mile Creek Elementary - Update

November Explorers - Congradulations!


Willard City / South Willard November News

Is your house lost?  Now is a good time to drive by your house and see how easy it is to spot the house numbers. House numbers need to be easy to read. This could mean critical timing for emergency response. Even today’s technology can be wrong. Easy to read house numbers also help with pizza and package delivery.

The following are the Official Results of the November 7, 2017 Municipal Election as certified by the Board of Canvassers on November 14, 2017.

Total Ballots cast – 520


Box Elder Schools

Box Elder High

BOX​ ​ELDER​ ​HIGH​​ ​​2017-2018   


   Have​ ​you​ ​heard​ ​the​ ​BUZZ….. 

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder High April Students of the Month 2


The schedule change window will be open for all students on Nov 13th at 8:00am and close on Nov 29th at 3:00pm. You may make changes to your 2nd and 3rd trimester schedules. Please keep in mind your graduation requirements while making changes. The counselors will be available to help in the Career Center on: Nov 16th - 8:00am to 11:00am, Nov 20th - 12:00pm to 3:00pm and Nov 29th - 8:00am to 3:00pm.

Willard election

Congratulations to all the election winners! I'm a bit taken back that we only had less than 11% of the total voters turn out.

2017 Municipal Election Unofficial Results - Willard City


Kenneth Braegger* 267 52.77%
Del Fredde 239 47.23%

Winner: Braegger

City Council

Gary Hart 207 21.36%
Josh Braegger* 265 27.35%
Brad Robb* 263 27.14%
Fred Ward 234 24.15%

Winners: Braegger, Robb

Willard Candidates

Willard Mayoral Candidates

Del Fredde

·         Served on the Willard Council for 7 years

·         Served on the Planning Commission as Chairman for three years

·         Chairman of the Willard Perry Wastewater Treatment Plant Board

·         Trustee of the Box Elder Mosquito Abatement District

Del has lived in Willard or the past 55 years. Has been retired and has the time required to manage our City.

·         Will listen to you and value your comments

·          Will plan for our future and protect Willard's rural atmosphere

Three Mile Creek Elementary - Update

Box Elder Schools


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