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Box Elder School District

Preparing for Extreme Snow Days

BRAG Governing Board Meeting -updated

Wahlquist Junior High

As we say goodbye to January and hello to February, we wanted to make you aware of a couple upcoming dates.

Our next Parent Teacher Conference will take place on February 24 from 1:00 to 6:30. This will be our final PTC of the year. If these times do not work for you or your family, contact the teacher that you need to see to schedule another time. We hope that everyone can make it.

Box Elder Schools

BRAG Governing Board Meeting -updated

Box Elder Schools

Fremont High

Fremont High School

Girls Varsity Basketball

Wolves win 74 - 60.

Jan 18, 2019

Girls Varsity Basketball ·

Jan 21
Wolves beat Titans

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools

Fremont High

Fremont High School

Boys Varsity Basketball

Wolves win 64 - 39.

Jan 11, 2019


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