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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

5*22*2018 - Dave Says

Dear Dave,

My husband has an old car that has become a real sticking point between us. He bought it for $2,400, and it needs about $4,000 in repairs and restoration. Together, we bring home $50,000 a year, and I feel like this car is interfering with our ability to save money and pay off $35,000 in debt. We already have two decent cars we drive to work, so what should I do about this?


Dear Stacy,

Trump 1, Media 0

Trump 1, Media 0


I couldn’t help from thinking, “that’s one up for Trump”, as I watched bulldog media star and Trump advisor, Kellyanne Conway, dismantle CNN’s soft pillow Brian Stelter on his Sunday morning gossip program.  I mean, she really took him apart.  



The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It`s inflammation produces a very uncomfortable pain that extends from the ribs to below the knee.

Resting helps alleviate the problem temporarily  but does not resolve.

In addition to the pain, other symptoms may appear, for example, discomfort to sit, feel heavy legs and tingling, etc.

Sciatic nerve pain is extremely unpleasant and can seriously compromise the quality of life of people suffering from this problem.

5*20*2018 - Tips and Advice to Avoid Scams and Fraud

Online shoppers aren't the only people who fall prey to fraud and scams. Even if you don't have a computer in the house, you're at risk. Scammers are everywhere and they love befriending older adults because a lot of them are lonely and they will talk with anyone on the phone to break the monotony of being alone.

5*19*2018 - dAVE sAYS

Dear Dave,

I’m 28, single, and I just became debt-free. In addition, I make $70,000 a year and have the equivalent of six months of expenses set aside for emergencies. Should I save up to pay cash for a house, or is mortgage debt okay? I’d like to keep the price of a new home between $200,000 and $225,000. Since I currently live in a nice apartment, I think I can save about $20,000 a year. What do you think?


Dear Kathryn,

It sounds like you’re in great financial shape. Congratulations on becoming debt-free!

5*18*2018 - 5 Financial Priorities for Your College Student

If you’re the parent of a child already attending or about to enter college, you probably have a lot on your mind. That’s understandable. College is an exciting time of life, full of big choices and exciting opportunities. But let’s face it, it’s also a stage of life that can bring temptations — money troubles in particular.

If you have a few concerns about how your child will handle their money in college, you’re not alone. I’ll never forget my own early financial experiences as a young college student—or the day I opened my first credit card bill and saw what I owed.

The Rise of Caleb Chapman and Caleb Chapman's Soundhouse



Wildlife news releases - May 17

Quagga mussels spreading in Lake Powell

As another boating season approaches, DWR reminds you to clean, drain and dry

Quagga mussels are spreading in Lake Powell. By following a few simple steps, you can do much to make sure that doesn’t happen anywhere else in Utah.

With the Memorial Day weekend approaching, Division of Wildlife Resources Lieutenant Scott Dalebout encourages you to do the following this boating season:

Clean, drain and dry


Save the Date

The Waco Massacre 25 Years Later

The Waco Massacre 25 Years Later
By Harold Pease, Ph. D
We drove down a quiet country road, trees and green meadows in every direction.  Mount Carmel, the famous Branch Davidian compound/church, was a sharp turn to the right.  Gone was the mailbox at the entrance with Branch Davidian Church clearly written on it in big black letters where the once 100-plus residents of a devout break-off of the Seventh-day Adventist Church received their mail. 


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