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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

12*23*2018 - Red Cross blood donation opportunities Dec. 20-Jan. 15

Be a holiday hero – give the gift of life

Red Cross urgently needs blood and platelet donations


(Dec. 17, 2018) — Emergencies don’t take a holiday. The American Red Cross urgently needs blood and platelet donors to make an appointment now to give and help ensure patients can get the treatment they need at a moment’s notice.


12*22*2018 - “What if the money didn’t matter?”

“What if the money didn’t matter?”


QUESTION: I’ve had two or three jobs since graduating from college, and I haven’t felt like any of them were what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. Do you have any advice to help someone find their true calling?

ANSWER: Believe it or not, many folks out there are in the same position. We all want to be fulfilled in our work, and when that doesn’t happen we can feel confused, helpless, or even trapped.

12*22*2018 -Q’s Big Drop Landed. Clinton Foundation Lies Exposed

The big drop promised by Q and his QAnons for three months finally arrived, and the Clinton Foundation lies exposed with 6,000 pages and 95 exhibits of documented wrong doing provided by Foundation lawyers themselves.  Indictments are certain to follow in the next few weeks—some with big names.


Tater Talk December 2018


Idaho® Potato Dutch Baby Pancakes

The Day Logan, Utah Stood Still

The Day Logan, Utah Stood Still


The event that I am about to describe is eerily similar to an event depicted in the famous 1950’s science fiction thriller classic ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ (not the 2008 remake with Keanu Reeves).  The only difference is that this event actually happened. 


12*21*2018 - The left’s latest fossil fuel obstruction tactic

The U.S. economy is growing, in part because of a booming energy industry. Yet not everyone is pleased and some are looking for ways to throttle fossil fuel production—and finding them.

U.S. crude oil production is growing by leaps and bounds, topping out at 11.6 million barrels per day in November—about twice what it was in 2010, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). And the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects the U.S. will account for about 75 percent of the growth in global oil production over the next six years.

12*19*2018 - FDA Policies Kill

12*20*2018 - Are School Christmas Carols, Plays and Nativities Constitutional?

What are my constitutional rights in school with respect to Christmas?  It might surprise some to learn that the Constitution does not allow the government to prevent you from doing in public—even at school—most things that you do at home.  The constitutionally ill-informed like to refer to the “separation of church and state” as the rational for a prohibition of religious or seasonal expression in public places.  No such language exists in the Constitution.  To prevent you from doing these things would be as unconstitutional as mandating that you do them.  

12*19*2018 - Elf's

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