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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

Red Cross blood donation opportunities Jan. 2-31

Resolve to give blood with the Red Cross


(Jan. 2, 2019) — The American Red Cross encourages people to help meet the urgent need for blood and platelets by resolving to give blood this January – National Blood Donor Month.


1*8*2019 - Ratifying new Trump trade deal will secure America's energy renaissance

The White House has completed negotiations on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a modernized version of NAFTA, the 24-year-old free trade agreement that has transformed the American economy.

USMCA updates NAFTA framework for the 21st Century, installing new rules for digital trade, intellectual property, and other crucial areas of the continental economy. USMCA is also an exercise in restraint; it doesn't touch parts of NAFTA that are working -- especially trade provisions powering America's energy renaissance.

1*7*2019 - Requiring Drug Advertisements to Mention Prices Would Confuse Consumers

The Trump administration recently unveiled a proposal that would force drug manufacturers to disclose a medicine's sticker, or "list," price in television advertisements.

The change is helpful in theory. After all, consumers should have all relevant product information before making a purchase.

1*6*2019- How America's new trade deal will save lives

The White House recently finalized the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a major trade deal that will replace NAFTA.

This pact is great news for patients. It strengthens the economic incentives for American drug companies to develop new cures. Congress can strike a blow against cancer, Alzheimer's, and other deadly diseases by approving the deal.

1*5*2019 - Ratifying new Trump trade deal will secure America's energy renaissance

The White House has completed negotiations on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a modernized version of NAFTA, the 24-year-old free trade agreement that has transformed the American economy.

USMCA updates NAFTA framework for the 21st Century, installing new rules for digital trade, intellectual property, and other crucial areas of the continental economy. USMCA is also an exercise in restraint; it doesn't touch parts of NAFTA that are working -- especially trade provisions powering America's energy renaissance.

1*4*2019 - The Most Important Political Address of 2018

The United States is quickly becoming divided into the globalists and the patriots.  They are at total war against each other.  Since they are ideologically incomparable only one side can win.  In time all will support one side or the other side.  Readers already are, whether they are fully aware of what they support or not.  

1*3*2019 - Simple and Sustainable Ways to Become a Healthier You in 2019

 Around the new year, most of us vow to make drastic changes to our diet or lifestyle. For some that means adopting a strict (and joyless) diet or signing up for hardcore fitness classes that meet at 5:00 a.m. (despite the fact that you're horribly out of shape). It's no wonder these resolutions are often short-lived. When it comes to making lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle habits, slow and steady wins the race.

The Worst Enemy of Black People

       Malcolm X was a Muslim minister and human rights activist. Born in 1925, he met his death at the hands of an assassin in 1965. Malcolm X was a courageous advocate for black civil rights, but unlike Martin Luther King, he was not that forgiving of whites for their crimes against black Americans. He did not eschew violence as a tool to achieve civil and human rights. His black and white detractors accused him of preaching racism and violence. Despite the controversy, he has been called one of the greatest and most influential black Americans.

1*2*2019 - Steel quotas, like tariffs, would harm American energy workers

Trump administration officials are considering lifting their highly unpopular 25 percent tariff on steel imported from Mexico and Canada. Good news? No, because they're considering imposing quotas instead.

The tariffs have enraged our Mexican and Canadian allies and imposed higher costs on U.S. businesses and consumers. U.S. energy companies, in particular, have suffered since many of the specialized steel parts used in oil and gas pipelines must be imported.

1*1*2019 - Let's Eat! January 2019

Happy New Year! With the holidays behind us and resolutions ahead, it can be tricky finding a delicious and healthy one-dish meal. Luckily, the Idaho Potato Commission has got you covered!


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