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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

Quotes & sayings

9-22-2019 Camp David Summit

One of the biggest recent news stories is Trump’s cancellation of a surprise summit with Taliban leaders and the Afghanistan president at Camp David. I am no longer surprised at the criticism towards the President, but I was shocked this time at the nature of the criticism. I assumed the disapproval would come from canceling a meeting that had potential to end the conflict, but instead he was chastised for agreeing to hold the meeting in the first place, especially at Camp David.

9-21-2019 Lawmakers put costs ahead of patients in Medicare overhaul

The Senate Finance Committee just advanced a sweeping Medicare overhaul.

Unfortunately, the bill does little to help America's sickest patients; it jeopardizes physicians' ability to provide timely, quality care to tens of millions of Americans. Congress would be wise to reject it.

The proposal impacts Medicare "Part B," which covers doctor's visits, outpatient procedures, and most medicines administered by injection or IV drip. Currently, roughly 50 million seniors and 10 million Americans with disabilities benefit from Part B.

9-20-2019 Green breakthroughs are coming from an unlikely source

Environmentalists just got some great news.

America's power plants will emit 2.3 percent less carbon dioxide this year compared to 2018. Even better, emissions will continue falling next year, according to a new report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 

This progress isn't the result of new environmental protections or alternative-energy breakthroughs. The credit actually belongs to natural gas firms.

Quotes & sayings

Lawmakers put costs ahead of patients in Medicare overhaul

The Senate Finance Committee just advanced a sweeping Medicare overhaul.

Unfortunately, the bill does little to help America's sickest patients; it jeopardizes physicians' ability to provide timely, quality care to tens of millions of Americans. Congress would be wise to reject it.

The proposal impacts Medicare "Part B," which covers doctor's visits, outpatient procedures, and most medicines administered by injection or IV drip. Currently, roughly 50 million seniors and 10 million Americans with disabilities benefit from Part B.


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Free shooting offered at 2 DWR ranges on National Hunting and Fishing Day

Free shooting offered at 2 DWR ranges on National Hunting and Fishing Day 


SALT LAKE CITY — If you have a current Utah hunting, fishing or combination license, you can visit either of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources public shooting ranges on Saturday, Sept. 28 and shoot for free.


9-19-2019 Death by Socialism

While many on the left are presently tripping over themselves to advance socialism in the United States, it might be well to remember that this philosophy has been responsible for more death than any other in world history.  What are the numbers?  It is hard to really know.  Socialist and liberal organizations never disclose such and never support any objective research to know as it undermines their hope of “advancing” socialism in the United States.  

9-18-2019 Racist Exam Questions?

 The U.S. Department of Justice has recently sued the Baltimore County government alleging that its written test for police officer recruits was unfairly biased against black applicants. It turns out that black applicants failed the written test at a rate much greater than white applicants. That results in fewer blacks being trained and hired as police officers. John A. Olszewski Jr., Baltimore County Executive said: "A law enforcement agency should look like the community it serves.


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