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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

Coal Enters a New Era in 2019

For those who follow energy policy in the United States, these are intriguing times. A number of significant changes are underway, with natural gas occupying a newfound prominence in electricity generation. Some older coal plants are being retired, too. And more utilities are exploring wind and solar even as nuclear power continues to recede from consideration.


Trump's steel tariffs threaten American energy dominance

U.S. crude oil production just surged to an all-time high of 11.3 million barrels per day. Natural gas production is also setting records. This energy bonanza is creating tens of thousands of new jobs and dramatically reducing Americans' gasoline and utility bills while boosting New Mexico’s economy and making it the third largest oil producer in the nation.

Quote / Thought of the day

Quote / Thought of the day

Will Californians strike a blow for lower taxes and gasoline prices?

Last month, Californians had the opportunity to get the government out of their pockets -- or, more accurately, out of their gas tanks. Not completely, but it's a start.

Last year the Golden State's legislature increased gasoline and diesel fuel taxes and vehicle fees. Proposition 6, on the November ballot, would have repealed those tax increases and required voter approval for future gasoline and vehicle fee increases. The measure failed to pass. Californians should have known better.

1-14-2019 - Under Medicare for All, Government May Micromanage Your Pizza Order

Medicare for All could mean pizza for none.

It sounds ridiculous. But look at what's happening in the United Kingdom, where the government runs the health system.

To combat the country's obesity epidemic, officials proposed limiting the number of calories permitted in thousands of foods. A single-serving pizza would be allowed a maximum of 928 calories. A savory pie, no more than 695. 

Idea's for the NEW YEAR



Jeff Sleeman

Anyone who would like to be in opposition of the new gravel pit proposed by Blue Ox (or for it, not sure why anyone would be) this is the man you need to email. It’s not too late to make our voices heard. Most people came to the table way too late with Joel Murray’s pit. We can stop this one, and this guy is how we can make our voices heard.

Jared Monson

Quote / Thought of the day

Quote / Thought of the day


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