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Flip-Flopping Mitt Romney Strikes Again!


President Trump recently admonished Mitt Romney, the newly elected republican senator from Utah and America’s self-appointed moral compass, for a scathing oped Romney wrote slamming the President again for all Trump’s moral depravities, sleazy business ethics, unfitness for office, blah, blah, blah.  


Trump a Russian Spy?

Well they don’t call him ‘President Goldfinger’ for nothing.  However, unlike the infamous 007 villain, Auric Goldfinger, who not only “loves only gold”,  who craves gold, is obsessed with gold ...looks and dresses in gold, has golden hair, and, ironically, is a dead ringer for our president ...our president probably isn’t smart enough or clever enough to be a “spy” in the true Ian Fleming or John le Carre sense of the term.  


Letter to Editor

No Need to ‘Warm Up’ Modern Vehicles in Cold Weather


Idling for 30 Seconds Uses More Fuel than Restarting Engine


January 2019


Dear Editor,


It is that time of the year when many motorists wonder if they need to let their vehicle “warm up” or idle before driving. In fact, today’s modern cars are ready to drive in cold temperatures without excessive idling. Unless you are trying to defrost the windshield or warm the interior of your car, idling longer than 30 seconds is unnecessary, even on the coldest days.


“Up Against The Wall, Motherf**ker!”

“Up Against The Wall, Motherf**ker!”




Our president Trump, aka ‘President Goldfinger’ is up against many walls, of which the southern border wall may be the least of his worries.  He’s up against a raucous new majority crop of Democratic House Representatives, and a few new Republican Senators, who want both his tax returns and his head on a silver, preferably gold, platter. 


Dear Editor:                                     

Dear Editor:                                    The Moral Decline of America

Only intervention from God can stop the moral decline of America.  The hoopla about the historical significance of the election of Pelosi as Speaker of the House will pass, but there will be consequences, unless there is a change of heart.

Nancy Pelosi, “America’s most powerful woman” is accountable to God, like everybody else.  She has served in Congress for 32 years.  Some have probably been there longer!

How to Beat President Goldfinger in 2020 (If he lasts that long)



Find Trump’s Achilles’ heel.  Humiliate him.  Brand him into submission.    


He’s doing a pretty good job of that himself, but he’s in control of his own measured humiliation right now which is translating into martyrdom and hero worship by his base.  Here’s a tip for all the 2020 Democratic (and Republican) hopefuls.  Trump loves himself.  He craves power, and ‘gold’.  He thinks he’s hot.  God’s gift to America, all women and the world over.  His ego is his weak point.  Attack it, beat it down and he’ll cave.  He’s almost there now. 



“Mista ...mista, you okay?”  Those were the first and only words I heard coming through the bluesy fog of a dreamlike sleep.  But my nightmare had just begun.  


The music at the bar had been loud, so loud you could hardly hear the person talking to you.  Was I still at the bar?  Did I pass out?  But there was no music and I was on my back.  I was outside, cold, there was rain on my face.  


“Mista, help is comin’, just lay still be okay.” 


Huh, wait a minute ...where am I?  Oh, s**t, no, this didn’t happen ...oh, my God! 


Day of Truth, Judgement and Reckoning

Forgiveness is optional, but they’re falling like dominos.  Cohen (3 years), Flynn, Manafort on deck.  Then Kushner, Donald Jr. and Ivanka, and who knows after that?  Will the long arm of the law ultimately reach President Trump?  Will he be wearing that matching color-coordinated orange jump suit soon?  Hard to say.  I’m certainly no one to judge anyone else (“Judge Not, Less Ye Be Judged”) but I think that Trump’s “Lock her up!” mantra will come back to haunt him.


dear Editor

Subject: Natural Consequences, letter to the editor for publication.



There are natural consequences to our choices.  A homosexual orientation is an unnatural, abnormal and destructive choice, as confirmed by Charles Darwin, that naturally results in the check of discrimination by those with a natural, normal and creative heterosexual orientation who resent the proactive immoral homo-promo targeting children in the name of equality.


Dear Editor:                                     

Subject: Natural Consequences, letter to the editor for publication.



There are natural consequences to our choices.  A homosexual orientation is an unnatural, abnormal and destructive choice, as confirmed by Charles Darwin, that naturally results in the check of discrimination by those with a natural, normal and creative heterosexual orientation who resent the proactive immoral homo-promo targeting children in the name of equality.



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