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Dear Editor:                                     

Karma is indeed a perfect choice of words to use here.  It seems that WE are now in for a very messy divorce cycle from the imposed tyranny over us of Third World Domination; specifically as it relates to the Nuclear Arms Race.  The Russians (according to CBS Evening News) now have a Torpedo-like nuclear device that can detonate a Nuclear Bomb in the Ocean and Create a Tsunami to wipe out our coastal cities. IT MATTERS TO US AND TO THE RUSSIANS WHO GETS ELECTED TO OFFICE WITH CONTROL OVER OUR ATOMIC WEAPONS.  Our Policy in that regard is that THERE CAN BE NO NUCLEAR OPTION.


What’s Going On in the World

That’s not a question. 


Aside from the glory of Rome, Genghis Kahn, Atlantis, and the Ottoman Empire, America is kind of a big deal.  It gave us 1776, the Moon, Elvis and Coca Cola.  America gave us the concept and reality of freedom. 


So what happened? 


"Sweetheart Like You"


With Valentine's Day coming up, here's a tribute to all the 2020 Presidential Candidates ...especially, the brave, honest, hard-working 'sweethearts'.  It's my favorite Bob Dylan song.  Lyrics below with Youtube link for the music.  Pay special attention to the last paragraph.  May the best gender win!  


"Sweetheart Like You"

In India A Long Time Ago

In India a long time ago, they developed a Caste System to resolve the differences between Black and White that Segregates the two Races of Mankind and that remains intact to this day in Modern Times there as an accepted Way Of Life in Socially Regulating the Marriages in their Polyglot Society.  It is certainly not absolute but it is their Way Of Life where The People can Live-On Peacefully in abiding with one another adhering to its Moral Code of staying True To One’s Race and Defined Social Heritage in the Security and Well-Being of Being Social Accepted in the bosom of one’s own Heritag

Defending Our U.S. American Sovereignty

There is no Certainty of ever achieving an Enduring Peace To Occur Here without the understanding that the Races Need To Abide Faithfully with their own kind in Procreation Matters and closely aligned with their Color Schemes. And especially for the African Black and Colored Negro Races not to continue on with their obsession To Make the Race of Mulattoes Ideology in trying to overpopulate themselves and take over the United States by Taking Advantage of our Democratic Process of Government.

The Upside of Mayhem

It’s entertaining. 


The scene in the Rose Garden as he announced the reopening of the government (for three weeks) was surreal.  It looked like ‘The Addams Family’ reunion.  The whole creepy cast and administrative crew were there lurking in the wings of the West Wing watching as the master of mayhem, our president, Donald ‘Hair on Fire’ Trump, gave it all up to Nancy Pelosi. 


Preserving Our U.S. American Sovereignty

American Standard


     Let’s have the reasoning right that according to the legal guidelines established by The Federal Communications Commission, FCC, regarding Enforcement of Prohibition Against Obscene and Indecent Broadcasts:   It is a violation of Federal Law to broadcast obscene or indecent programming.  The prohibition is set forth in Title 18 of The United States Code, Section 1464 (18 U.S.C. 1464).


Dear Editor:                                     

Dear Editor:                                    It’s About America, Not You

Many in the House and Senate need to realize this is ABOUT AMERICA, NOT ABOUT THEM, and their morally corrupt political parties. They are paid high wages to work for America in a fair, sensible, and godly way. 

That is not what we are getting for our money now!

The safety of America should be the most important thing to our legislators.

Shutdown Solution

While I am opposed to “negotiating with blackmailers (the President and Senator McConnell), there is a greater problem here to be addressed. The “shutdown” is most immediately affecting 800,000 federal employees, almost half of which are being “forced” to work without being paid. To my mind, that is illegal and should be the subject of many lawsuits by those workers in question. That being said, there is a solution which should be offered by the House Democrats in exchange for the President to sign a funding bill to reopen those parts of the government which are currently closed.

Dear Editor:                                     

On November 6th, Utah voters passed Proposition 3 and finally put to rest a years-long debate.  Voters choose to fully expand the Medicaid program as directed under the law, without relying on waiver approval from the Trump administration. Now, Medicaid expansion must be implemented, with enrollment beginning on April 1st, as the voters decided. Vulnerable Utahns cannot wait another day to get the care they need. For some individuals, this is the help they’ve been waiting for in order to get healthy and get back to work.


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