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Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder Schools

Box Elder School District Board of Education Board Meeting Minutes

Box Elder Schools

Perry City September News

The kids are back in school as of August 28th, please be especially cautious driving in school zones. Watch for the buses pulling off the roadways and kids crossing streets!!

The recycle opt-out period will be from September 1st- September 30th. This is the only period annually that residents can opt out of the program. If you have a recycling can and would like to discontinue service, please contact the City Office at 435-723-6461. If you are interested in recycling, you can sign up at any time.

Three Mile Creek Elementary

Congratulations to our spectacular September EXPLORERS OF THE MONTH! These students will get their picture in the Box Elder News Journal, our school "Hall of Fame", and get a special treat from Principal Nelson at the end of the month.

Box Elder Schools

Beeline for the week


          Have you heard the BUZZ…..

Senior Post High School Day

Senior Students and their Parents are Invited

Friday, September 8

7:50 am to 10:15 am


Recruiters from Utah Colleges and Universities will be at BEHS to teach seniors and their parents about:

1.      Utah’s college opportunities

Box Elder Schools


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