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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

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12*18*2018 - Offshore Drilling: The Coast is Clear

In the coming months, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke will likely issue a new draft of his five-year plan to expand energy drilling in America's outer continental shelf (OCS), the submerged federal land off America's coasts.   

Unsurprisingly, the plan has environmentalists up in arms. 

As soon as Sec. Zinke unveiled it back in January, a green coalition including the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sierra Club said the plan would cause "severe and unacceptable [environmental] harm."

Day of Truth, Judgement and Reckoning

Forgiveness is optional, but they’re falling like dominos.  Cohen (3 years), Flynn, Manafort on deck.  Then Kushner, Donald Jr. and Ivanka, and who knows after that?  Will the long arm of the law ultimately reach President Trump?  Will he be wearing that matching color-coordinated orange jump suit soon?  Hard to say.  I’m certainly no one to judge anyone else (“Judge Not, Less Ye Be Judged”) but I think that Trump’s “Lock her up!” mantra will come back to haunt him.


12*17*2018 - How to make open offices work for everyone

Whoever thought walls and doors could go out of style? Apparently, that's what has happened at offices nationwide. Seven in 10 American offices now have an open floor plan, rather than cubicles or private rooms.

Wildlife news release - Dec. 14

Good ice fishing, close to home

Great ice fishing waters dot Utah

If you’re like most folks, work and family commitments take up lots of your time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t break away for some quick ice fishing trips this winter. Utah is dotted with great ice fishing opportunities that aren’t too far from your home. And many of these waters are great places to take your family fishing too.

12*13*2018 - The left’s latest fossil fuel obstruction tactic

The U.S. economy is growing, in part because of a booming energy industry. Yet not everyone is pleased and some are looking for ways to throttle fossil fuel production—and finding them.

U.S. crude oil production is growing by leaps and bounds, topping out at 11.6 million barrels per day in November—about twice what it was in 2010, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). And the International Energy Agency (IEA) projects the U.S. will account for about 75 percent of the growth in global oil production over the next six years.

12*16*2018 - Elf on the shelf

Bake Up Some Fun Scout Elf Ideas 

Looking to have a sweet end to the holiday season? Show your Scout Elf these delectable ideas from Pillsbury™ and The Elf on the Shelf®, to create yummy treats and sweet elf ideas this Christmas! 

A Patient-Centered Approach to Medicare Drug Reform

A Patient-Centered Approach to Medicare Drug Reform
Dr. A. Mark Fendrick

The Trump administration has proposed sweeping changes to Medicare to curb taxpayer spending on prescription drugs. These include price setting, revamping how doctors and hospitals acquire drugs, and changing how physicians are reimbursed for medicines.

The changes apply to "Part B," the component of Medicare that covers medicines administered in a health-care facility, like gene therapies and advanced treatments for cancer. Today, physicians purchase these medications directly.

12*12*2018 - Miseducated or Stupid?

Miseducated or Stupid?

12*11*2018 - Ignoring Drug Patents Puts Lives at Risk

Congress's latest approach to curbing drug prices looks a lot like theft.

The U.S. Constitution grants inventors the "exclusive right to their discoveries secured for a limited time" in order "to promote the progress of science".

A new bill would undermine this right. The "Medicare Negotiation and Competitive Licensing Act" would deprive inventors of their patent rights, commonly known as intellectual property, (IP) and allow competing firms to copy medicines before their patents expire.


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