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Gas and Oil Re-Invest Tax Windfall By David Williams President Trump's recent tax overhaul has American CEOs feeling generous. Walmart and American Airlines are among the big companies giving... read more
Just a reminder that 4th quarter has started so please take a minute to check your child's lunch account.  If you would like to pay for the entire 4th quarter ahead of time, the total is $83.25.   If... read more
Situational awareness - March 21, 2018   Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City. Welcome to Utah's must-read daily political news roundup.  The Utah GOP loses another court battle over SB54.... read more
With the U.S. projected to spend $553 billion on research and development in 2018 and multiple cities vying to become the location of Amazon’s HQ2, the personal-finance website WalletHub today... read more
Ride the Rest of the Season for $175!  Introducing the Brighton Spring Pass: Unlimited Riding from Now Till' Closing Day! We've heard the term "Miracle March" tossed around in the past but the past... read more
Sen. Lee Responds to Senate Vote on Yemen Resolution   WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after the Senate voted to table a War Powers resolution that would have... read more
Documents Updated   031418 notice.pdf - 3/12/18 10:35 AM Box Elder School District Board of Education Box Elder School Board Meeting   Notice Date & Time: 3/14/18 6:30 PM -3/14/18... read more
