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Human Interest

Human Interest Articles

11*18*2018 - The quiet coup of the courts

There is a constitutional crisis in this country. One branch of government is undermining the rule of law.

The culprit isn't President Trump or Congress; it's the courts. Nationwide, judges are making public policy, rather than adjudicating it. This power grab is apparent in immigration cases, where judges have ignored the Constitution and issued rulings based on personal beliefs.   

This arrogation of power should worry liberals, conservatives, and moderates alike.

11*17*2018 - 4 Tips to Take Financial Stress Out of the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, which means holiday shopping is underway! If you’re a spender like me, your head is spinning with all the upcoming festivities. The holidays are such a magical time of year, but I think we can all agree they’re not-so-magical for our wallets.

It’s easy to lose sight of what matters during this special season and feel pressured to overspend. But it is possible to enjoy the holidays and not let them turn into a debt hangover in January. Here are a few ways you can save this holiday season and still enjoy your time:

11*16*2018 - Right to Try provides a license to cash in on patient fears

More than 1.7 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year. One in three of those patients will eventually succumb to it.

Knowing these odds, patients and their loved ones want quicker access to the latest medicines -- even if they are still at an experimental stage.

That's why so many Americans applauded passage of the "Right To Try Act," which was signed by President Trump in May. The measure creates a legal pathway for terminally ill patients to access new medications that have only been through one phase of Food and Drug Administration approval. 

11*15*2018 - A Wake-Up Call for Investment in America’s Transportation Infrastructure

Recently, the world learned yet again that inadequate investment in infrastructure—roads, bridges, tunnels, and railways—can have tragic consequences.

This time, those consequences befell the people of Genoa, Italy, where the collapse of a 51-year-old bridge killed 43 people.  Area residents had long expressed concern about the bridge's structural integrity. For years, blocks of concrete had been falling from the span onto their cars. Yet only the bare minimum of maintenance appears to have been performed. 

11*14*2018 - The Mayflower Compact Facilitated Pilgrim Starvation

The Mayflower Compact Facilitated Pilgrim Starvation

By Harold Pease, Ph. D

The pilgrims realized that some kind of governing document was needed for the new colony, “as human nature is prone to disunity and differences that could be disruptive of peace.”  Governor William Bradford thus described the circumstances under which the agreement came about.

11*13*2018 - Keep Yourself Safe

Red Cross blood shortage: Eligible donors urgently needed to give now

Severe blood shortage: Red Cross issues immediate call for blood and platelet donations

Blood drive hosts also needed this winter to stop prolonged shortage


11*12*2018 - Easy Ideas to Enhance Your Thanksgiving Celebration.

Ideas to Liven Up Your Thanksgiving Celebrations 

Deck your halls with festive fall garlands, mix up a batch of awesome apple cinnamon cider, or explore the Scout Elves’ ideas for Thanksgiving-themed treats to be the talk of the town this turkey day!

Tasty Treats  

Turkey-shaped cookies, petite pilgrim hats and yummy chocolate acorns are some treats you can create this Thanksgiving.

Photography Contest and Exhibition - Texture

Any questions, contact Mary Alice Hobbs at

or 435-226-1439


Textile - Photography Exhibition


Nov. 10 through Jan. 12, 2018


Many artists who savor life at one 200th of a second – usually the camera’s shutter speed – transformed subjects and scenes from the ordinary to 

11*11*2018 - When the Press Fights the President, the President Wins

When the Press Fights the President, the President Wins


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